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Stories that Empower

Sep 20, 2021

Anne's journey is a story of healing and life transforming experience. At 26, while she was out cycling, she was violently beaten and raped. This shifted her world. The trauma affected her physically, causing her anxiety and breathlessness. Ann tried different types of healing. The shift came when her daughter was born. Ann leaned into spirit. She knew trust would come, which it did. By forgiving/blessing her attacker and herself, Ann was able to find a balance of flow and ease. She shares these powerful nuggets of life wisdom:
- we have a universal connection with others
- find healing and wholeness
- lean into spirit
- bless yourself and those who may have hurt you
- practice forgiveness
- put out loving intent
- we are all deeply connected
- how we show up affects everyone
- honor and nurture yourself 


tags: Anne, Heck, writer, speaker, healer, artist, fierce, believer, miracles, story, stories, that, empower, empowering, empowerment, inspire, inspiring, inspiration, encourage, encouraging, encouragement, hope, light, podcast, Sean