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Stories that Empower

Sep 28, 2020

Mary was the second illegitimate child of a single unconventional mother. She did not have the money to attend college, so she took a job as a stripper. Mary took the grim descent into the underworld. Fortunately, she met someone, got married, attended college and finished her university degree. Then, one day, her...

Sep 21, 2020

Carlyn's Bio

When Carlyn discovered she was adopted through an Ancestry DNA test, it felt like a tsunami hit her. Initially, she felt shock, anger, abandonment, sadness and grief. Her identity got pulled out from her. Everything started to unravel. What got her through it all what her profound sense of gratitude. She was able to...

Sep 14, 2020

Janna experienced grief in her midlife and her internal dialogue felt interrupted. She spent two weeks in a casita (a small house) by herself, where she made room for and listened for what was being said. What Janna heard was profound, empowering, inspiring and affirming. She realized that she was not experiencing a...

Sep 7, 2020

Stefanos was living a life of lies, compulsions and addictions. He was unfaithful in his relationships. Then, Stefanos was caught. This was catalyst that changed his life. He realized that his soul wanted to be caught all along, but he didn't have the courage to stop it. This also helped him to realize the hardship,...