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Stories that Empower

Dec 28, 2020

Meryl Ain (Author of The Takeaway Men)

Having experienced life setbacks, Meryl chose not to allow herself to be stuck or feel like a victim. She reinvented herself multiple times and enabled herself to be empowered. Meryl shares the following nuggets of life wisdom:
- practice the 3 Rs: reinvent yourself, be resilient and stay relevant
- get yourself a...

Dec 22, 2020

Jill Sherer Murray | She Writes Press

Stephanie Raffelock and I bring you another episode of “Holiday Stories” with our special guest, Jill Sherer Murray.

tags:  Jill, Sherer, Murray, author, TEDx, speaker, communications, expert. Big, Wild, Love, Let, Go, For, It,, story, stories, that, empower, empowering, empowerment, inspire,...

Dec 21, 2020

My Impossible Life: trauma travel transcendence: Jones, Charlene D, Reynolds, Sue: 9781987813326: Books

As a child, Charlene experienced PTSD from an unhealthy home environment. She ran away from home and was attracted to the 'dark side'. Her life took a positive turn, when she began following in the footsteps of a meditation teacher. Today, she helps people understand there are powerful ways to heal, empowers those that...

Dec 15, 2020

Stephanie Raffelock and I bring you another episode of “Holiday Stories” with our special guest, Diane Dewey.

tags:  Diane, Dewey, writer, author, podcast, host, Fixing, the, Fates, Dropping, In,, story, stories, that, empower, empowering, empowerment, inspire, inspiring, inspiration,...

Dec 14, 2020

Evelyn Kohl LaTorre | She Writes Press

Evelyn grew up as a self-sufficient child and adult. She served in the Peace Corps, where she learned to take risks. Evelyn also found herself questioning certain rules and regulations. She shares the following nuggets of life wisdom:
- travel transforms us
- people that have the least tend to be the most content
- be...