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Stories that Empower

Mar 31, 2023

Rabbi Cohen talks about the importance of supporting one another.  When he witnessed a mourning widow, he decided to start with a single spark of love.  That spark created a loving and supportive community, which restored her faith in humanity.  Rabbi Cohen shares the following nuggets of life wisdom:

  • make a difference in someone's life
  • create a flashmob of kindness
  • restore our faith in humanity
  • no encounter is random
  • we have a 'mobile mitzvah hotspot'
  • be zoned into what we're experiencing
  • there's no day or soul that doesn't have a unique purpose
  • no one leaves our orbit without feeling better about ourselves
  • most eternal moments in life are when we love and give to others
  • never underestimate in lighting a spark in one person
  • we all want meaning
  • we can live life at the highest frequency 

tags:  Rabbi, Daniel, Cohen, motivator, mentor, inspirational, speaker, What, Will, They, Say, About, You, When, You, Are, Gone, The, Secret, of, the, Light, story, stories, that, empower, empowering, empowerment, inspire, inspiring, inspiration, encourage, encouraging, encouragement, hope, light, podcast, Sean,