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Stories that Empower

Feb 14, 2022

Meet Stephanie | Stephanie Feger

Stephanie had the ideal job, but she wasn't content. She felt a calling to help people and make a difference. Stephanie pursued her passion and carved a new path. Today, she empowers others and makes a difference in their lives. Stephanie shares these nuggets of life wisdom:
- there's more willpower within us to continue
- if we shift our perspectives, we can do more
- be vulnerable
- what we do has meaning
- accept our vulnerability
- pay it forward
- we are in control of our reaction and response to life's deck of cards
- things can happen for purpose
- step away from the chaos and become grounded in the perspective
- our lives are filled with two stories
- the most important story starts from within
- get control of your inner story
- mantras help ground us 

tags: Stephanie, Feger, author, speaker, entrepreneur, Color, Today, Pretty, story, stories, that, empower, empowering, empowerment, inspire, inspiring, inspiration, encourage, encouraging, encouragement, hope, light, podcast, Sean,