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Stories that Empower

May 24, 2021


Thomas' daughter died as a baby, which brought him and his family to their knees. He and his spouse knew they had a moment of choice. They decided that the victim (why me) mentality would not serve them. Instead, they chose the 'what can I learn' from this mindset. As a result, they found love and gratitude in life's tough situations. Thomas shares these powerful nuggets of life wisdom:
- life happens for us, not to us
- speak in gratitude
- what we focus on, expands
- response to events determines outcomes
- we control 100% of our response
- people tend to act how you speak to them
- change your language to change your results
- there cannot be contention when love is expressed
- our words have the power to turn the night to day
- find the good in people and speak to them as such
- be conscious of what you tell yourself
- everything works out for your good

tags: Thomas, Blackwell, inspirational, speaker, author, trainer, Liberty, Our, Language, Revealed, story, stories, that, empower, empowering, empowerment, inspire, inspiring, inspiration, encourage, encouraging, encouragement, hope, light, podcast, Sean