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Stories that Empower

Mar 4, 2024

When Jennifer was diagnosed with progressive and incurable kidney failure, everything changed for her. She knew she could either have despair or choose hope. Jennifer chose the latter. Today, she helps people with their challenges, manage uncertainty and find joy. Jennifer shares the following nuggets of life wisdom:

  • choose hope over despair
  • let go of the life we planned, accept the life that's given to us
  • reframe what's happening
  • cultivate our "lucky list"
  • what we look for, we find
  • deepest meaning is close relationships
  • kindness in action can save lives
  • practice little acts of kindness

tags: Jennifer, Cramer-Miller, writer, speaker, author, advocate, joy, scouter, Incurable, Optimist, Living, with, Illness, and, Chronic, Hope, story, stories, that, empower, empowering, empowerment, inspire, inspiring, inspiration, encourage, enco