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Stories that Empower

Nov 6, 2023

Dawn felt a shift in her body and a call to something unknown. She sought therapy, which she found to be an awakening, where she let go of old beliefs that no longer served her. Through a journey of healing, Dawn now feels empowered. She shares the following nuggets of life wisdom:

  • be open to receive internal messages
  • let go of beliefs that constrict us
  • release our minds from the captivity
  • there's an energy that works through us to heal others
  • we're all connected to one another
  • in order to heal, we need to become vulnerable
  • invest in self reflection

tags: Dawn, Kohler, executive, coach, writer, author, The, Messages, a Memoir, The, Invitation, a Weekend, with, Emma, story, stories, that, empower, empowering, empowerment, inspire, inspiring, inspiration, encourage, encouraging, encouragement, hope, light, podcast, Sean,