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Stories that Empower

Dec 12, 2022

Fredrik van Huynh (@fvanhuynh) / Twitter

Fredrik talks about the growing pains of building a successful, international internship organization. He shares the following nuggets of life wisdom:

- an overnight success takes 10 years
- incorporate new habits and mindset
- strive to live below our means
- keep it going
- writing down our dreams grounds us and keeps us focused
- read books and implement actions learned from reading
- have a burning belief in your vision
- try to gain perspective from others

International Program Coordinator Internship | ERASMUSINTERN

tags: Fredrik, van, Huynh, Co-Founder, Absolute, Internship, story, stories, that, empower, empowering, empowerment, inspire, inspiring, inspiration, encourage, encouraging, encouragement, hope, light, podcast, Sean,