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Stories that Empower

Aug 22, 2022

Erin Brauer Photography
Growing up, Beverly felt inspired by her supportive teachers that genuinely cared for her and empowered her. Once she chose to leave an abusive dysfunctional home, she chose to follow the path of her angelic teachers and became an educator. Beverly shares the following nuggets of life wisdom:

- be fearless
- support every child
- believe that we can do anything
- listen to our inner voice
- have hope for tomorrow
- search for help, such as the 988 help line
- search within ourselves for the purpose of our lives
- recommit to those goals
- envision ourselves to the tomorrows that will come
- the answer is within you 

tags: Beverly, Armento, writer, author, educator, Seeing, Eye, Girl, Memoir, of, Madness, Resilience, and, Hope, story, stories, that, empower, empowering, empowerment, inspire, inspiring, inspiration, encourage, encouraging, encouragement, hope, light, podcast, Sean,