Jul 11, 2022
Experiencing unemployment was initially challenging for
Priscilla, as she had come to identify herself with her career. She
decided to stretch outside of her comfort zone, learn new skills,
reinvent herself and be of service to others. These led her to land
new opportunities. Priscilla shares the following nuggets of life
– if you stay open, life can guide you to where you belong
– use your strengths
– be authentic and have good intentions
– listen to others and figure out what they need
– it’s about lifelong learning
– reinvent yourself
– dare to try something new
– find your hidden passions
– be open to new opportunities
– stay connected with your network
– we don’t fail because we’re not good enough … we fail because we
think we’re not good enough
– it’s about mindset
– connect with like-minded people
– support others and accept help
– reinvent yourself
– seek what you’re passionate about
tags: Priscilla, Schelp, moderator, organizer, speaker, researcher, connector, story, stories, that, empower, empowering, empowerment, inspire, inspiring, inspiration, encourage, encouraging, encouragement, hope, light, podcast, Sean, https://storiesthatempower.com