Oct 18, 2021
Growing up, Aaron dreamed of becoming the youngest NFL sports
agent. He was told that he can't get there. Aaron needed someone to
push him. It took a 'no' for him to launch his own business.
Initially, he had no direction nor clear map. Aaron formed a team
with the right individuals, who shared his qualities: go getter
mentality, motivation, drive, people skills and strong work ethic.
He achieved his dream at the age of 25. Aaron shares the following
nuggets of wisdom:
- know what you are capable of
- if you are driven to achieve your dream, then you can
- being told 'no' can be a blessing in disguise
- focus on your goal and dream
- don't give up
- put people around you that enable you to succeed
- get creative
- know the impact that you can make on individuals
- focus on moving forward
- keep an open mind mentality
tags: Aaron, Zack, Revolving,
Mind, Media, marketing, brand, athlete, @aaronzack21, story,
stories, that, empower, empowering, empowerment, inspire,
inspiring, inspiration, encourage, encouraging, encouragement,
hope, light, podcast, Sean