Jun 24, 2019
Natasha felt she wasn't living
her purpose or her authentic life. She began trusting her intuition
and her inner voice. Natasha left her high paying job and now
develops communities to serve others. She shares these powerful
nuggets of life wisdom:
- strive to live your authentic
- when the road ahead is unclear,
trust that small inner voice
- strengthen your inner calling, by
allowing your intuition to guide you
- intuition is a muscle; the more
you practice it, the stronger it gets
- take time to be alone with
- this will enable you to find
clarify about your life purpose
- take time to cultivate and nurture
your creative side
- everything has its
tags: Natasha, Che, natashache.com, soundwise.com, tech, entrepreneur, mobile, focused, audio, publishing, platform, podcast, host, personal, growth, teacher, The School of Intuition, PhD, economics, Georgetown, University, storiesthatempower.com, stories that empower, empowering stories, empowerment stories, stories of empowerment, stories of empowering others, self empowerment stories, stories empower, inspire, inspiring, inspiration, uplift, uplifting, upliftment, hope, light, Sean